What a week!!!!

This week we have  been super busy and worked our socks off!!

We have been enjoying the sunshine whilst we can and have taken a lot of our learning outdoors. We have also enjoyed our new visitors to our school, two Oyster Catchers along with 3 eggs. They have been nesting in our planters. We will be trying our best to make them feel safe and staying away from the eggs.


We have also been working hard in maths learning about volume and researching Vincent Van Gogh.

‘I have learned to measure the volume of what a variety of containers can hold.’ Megan R

‘I learned that Vincent Van Gogh admitted himself into a mental hospital.’ Megan C

‘ I have enjoyed working  outside.’ Gabrielle

‘I learned lots of information about Van Gogh and I was able to tell my mum all about him.’ Lyndsey

As we develop our knowledge and understanding of Van Gogh the children will be creating images in his style. All children are asked to bring in a picture of a landscape of their choice to develop. This can be a photo, postcard, picture from a magazine, newspaper or a book. All images will be returned.