Another Fabulous Friday!!

Here in P5/6 we are all exhausted as we reach the weekend. We have worked very hard all week and learned many interesting things.

We have been learning about drug awareness, division and multiplication and Scottish engineers.

‘I learned that not all drugs are bad.’ Mia

‘legal drugs, such as medicine, can also be misued.’ Sam

‘I learned about how drugs can be misused even if they are legal.’ Megan R

‘The invention of the steam enginge helped to develop other machines and inventions.’ Lyndsey

‘I learned that there have been a lot of Scottish engineers.’ Joshua

‘I learned that when dividing by ten you can just take away the zero.’ Aimee Cara

‘Some drugs can kill you.’ David

‘In division the remainder cannot be higher that the number you are dividing by.’ Kai

‘I have learned about the concequences of drugs.’ Kayleigh

‘Division  is the inverse of multiplication.’ Jack


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