Happy Friday Folks

‘We have been learning about multiplication. When multiplying you always start with the units.’ Morgan

‘I have learned to do 4-digit multiplication.’ Jack

‘I have learned about influential people and how they have shaped our future.’ Lauren

‘In art we were looking at line and tone. We picked out a feature on our face and tried to improve our drawings.’ Sam

‘I learned lots of information about a famous Scottish Missionary called David Livingstone.’ Lewis

“I learned how to do smile multiplication.’ Mackenzie

World Thinking Day

World Thinking Day

As every year World Thinking Day 2016 is on 22nd February and children who are members of the Brownies or Girl Guides Association are welcome to wear their uniforms to school on Monday  if they wish, to help mark this important celebration where we are encouraged to think about our sisters and brothers in all countries around the world!

We look forward to seeing some Brownies and Guides uniforms on Monday!