Exciting Europe

We have made some FANTASTIC models of famous landmarks.

‘My landmark was made out of metal, wire and wood. I enjoyed spraying it silver.’ Mia

‘I made the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The tower has 296 steps.’ Gabrielle

‘I used a variety of tins and shapes to create the Leaning Tower of Pisa.’ Lauren

‘When Tower Bridge was being built it had more than 70000 tonnes of concrete secured into the riverbed to help it stay in place.’ Aimee

‘The Leaning Tower of Pisa took 344 years to build.’ Jiyan

‘The creator of the statue is called Carlo Marochetti.’ Lewis

‘When I built my tower the glue wouldn’t stick so I had to use problem solving skills to work out what would be suitable to use. I used sellotape.’ Ewan

‘When my mum and I were trying to stick the chocolate on, the glue wouldn’t work so we had to use icing.’ Morgan

‘I used a paint can, a tub, a pencil, wood and paper to make the Leaning Tower of Pisa.’ Sam

‘I made the Louvre and it took me an hour to complete. I used cardboard, tin foil, a tub and sellotape.’ Calum

DSCN1195We have also gathered and organised lots of interesting information about our chosen European landmarks.

DSCN1194….and a HUGE thank you to Morgan and her mum who made us an amazing landmark cake complete with find the landmark game!! Thank you!