Tag Archives: 3DSHAPE

Bird Feeders

photo 2 01Having learnt all about the birds in our school grounds we chose to create our very own bird feeders using recycled materials.  As this was a Homework task the design took place in class and the creation took place at home.

photo 1 01Mrs Wightman was very impressed with our ideas and loved every feeder.  We will choose some to put outside soon and keep the others to be put outside in the winter.

photo 3 01Well done everybody!!

Making a Volcano

We have been learning about Mauno Loa in Hawaii and decided to make our own volcanoes.  We hope to paint them and make them erupt with lava as part of a science experiment.

We had to plan, design and create our models using only card, tape, scissors, newspaper and glue with water.

It took some problem solving and really good group work but we all successfully made a Composite or Shield Volcano.