Monthly Archives: May 2016
Today we were talking about Primary and Secondary Sources and Historical evidence. We know that a Primary Source is a piece of information or artefact from the time it happened. We know a Secondary Source usually uses a Primary Source first of all. It is a source that has happened after the event or written or made about an event.
We decided Primary Sources were the most reliable.
Measuring Area
We have been learning how to measure the area of shapes by counting boxes.
Outdoor Learning
This week we planted some beetroot, carrots, parsnips and spinach. They should grow in a few weeks so that we can prepare and eat them
Our potatoes, rhubarb, onions and leeks are growing nicely. We checked them over and took away any weeds that were growing.
Bird Feeders
It was finally our turn to put our bird feeders out in our nature garden and playground area. We hope it helps to feed some of the hungry birds who are making lots of noise outside the school.
Willy Wonka’s Wonderous Ways
Miss Iafrate has been handing out Golden Tickets when people show extra effort and respect. If you get a Golden Ticket you can take part in something fun.
We researched Willy Wonka’s fabulous inventions and discussed inventions we couldn’t live without.
Then we created our own inventions using our own ideas of how to make life easier.