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Weekly Update!

Our dojo winner this week was Alesha and our certificate winner was Ebony. Well done to both girls for a great week. Once again our spelling test results were super. Thanks to all the parents helping at home.

Happy Halloween Everyone. Remember to stay safe.

Have a great weekend.

From Miss Smith and Mrs Quinn

Halloween At Hogwarts

Primary 3 had a special delivery from an owl today! We have been asked to help the witches and wizards at Hogwards to create new magic potions! We are busy using what we have been learning about instructions and procedures to help us do this. The owl landed but Mrs Hunter’s  car but Mr Smith has cleaned the claw mark off the roof.

Weekly Update

This week’s Dojo Winner is Roni. Our Effective Contirbutor was Ethan Paul for making valuable contibutions during discussions. Mrs Quinn and Miss Smith are very proud of both of you. Enjoy the comfortable  cushion.

This week’s goal was to stay quiet between tasks. The winners of the prize box treats are Keir and Niamh. Well done to both children.


We have been learning about our senses. Here are some interesting facts.

“You blink to wash out your eyes”



“Your eyeleashes help to protect your eyes”


“The black bit in the centre of your eye is a hole and it reflects light”



Our Senses

Today we started our new theme for this term. We are going to be learning about our senses. Today were helped Mrs Quinn to plan our learning experiences. We talked about how much we rely on our senses to do everyday tasks.

This Week’s Winners!

Our dojo winner this week is Sophia. Well done Sophia for a very hard working week. A well deserving winner of our “Leaps ahead” cushion.

Shanna is our certificate winner for being a responsible citizen and just always doing the right thing. Enjoy the “Busy bee” cushion Shanna.

Have a super break and keep safe.

Happy holidays from Mrs Quinn and Miss Smith!