Our week

This week we have been researching clothing in medieval times. We found some funny and interesting facts. We have started drawing deigns for medieval clothes choosing a character from the time to help us.

I found out that poor people did not have bright clothes they wore dark grey and black colours, rich people would have things like red and gold. Daniel

I found out that boys wore tights. Owen

Boys and girls wore dresses. David

Women sometimes wore tunics over their dresses. Euan

We learned a rhyme to help us remember the number of days in each month.

I have enjoyed reading Horrid Henry, some of the work has been harder but it has been fun. Sophie

Learning to do a summary has been fun, trying to add connectives. Cayden

Adverse weather activities.

Good morning on this very snowy day, if you are not able to be in school today here are some ideas for independent learning.

Today is our story writing day; try writing a story about your own adventures in the snow, remember to add interesting details to describe the setting and characters. Use your homework jotter.

Try some fancy spelling to practice this weeks phoneme words and common words. You have the words in your homework jotter.

Maths; take time to practice your learn it facts and the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Make a pile of snowballs then double them or half them. Practice doubling and halving using the steps you have been shown for 2 digit numbers.  Make some number trios. Make a table of things that you do today and record the time you start each thing, try to record times in both analogue and digital format.

Further research what people wore in the middle ages in Scotland, what materials were commonly used. You could try making a further design of your own.

Have fun, I hope to see you all tomorrow.  Mrs Patrick

Lepra-Bollywood and boxercise

Today primary 3 joined primary 4 to enjoy a Bollywood and boxer isle themed workout. This was part of our fundraising event for Lepra.

It is very good and helps other people. Leah

It was so active it made my heart pump so fast. Lewis

Bollywood was great fun. Emilie

I liked the dancing with the different activities. Sophie

Primary 3 artwork

Primary 3 have created a lot of fantastic artwork associated to different areas of learning. In our Scotland topic we explored the work of artist Steven Brown the creator of McCoo, we produced our own versions using different materials for texture.  We found out about our Scottish national dress and we used toy cars to make tartan patterns on paper that we then folded to make kilts with pleats, we added belts and a sporrans to finish the look. We were learning about Chinese New Year and to celebrate the Year of the Rooster we made our own roosters. We are using clay for modelling this term and have started by creating our own thumb pots.