All posts by Mr Young

Deep Sea World

We are really excited just now in Primary 2. Tomorrow we are going to Deep Sea World.  To prepare for our visit we have been researching all about Deep Sea World and have been busy making persuasive posters for people to visit it. Have a look at our great work !

Under The Sea Stories

Remember the Under the Sea Stories we have been so excited about? Well we have now completed, redrafted and published our work. Our stories are now hanging in the classroom and look FANTASTIC! We are very proud of our hard work. Mr Young is very proud of us too and cant believe just how far we have come in writing this year. We hope to have our families in before the end of term to show off our stories and tell them all about under the sea.

Football Star

We love sharing our achievements outside of school to the class. Well done to one of our classmates. He brought in a trophy which he won at a football festival at the weekend.  We are all proud of him.




We have been very busy learning about area. We know that area is how much space an object takes up. We can measure area with counters and cubes. We used counters to measure the area of our hands. Some of us even got to find the area of Mr Youngs hands! We learned how to measure area using cubes and sqaures also. We designed our own under the sea creatures and counted their area. Some of them had an area of over 100 squares !


Our math skills are becoming more impressive every day ! We are now learning to divide.  We have been learning about sharing equally between groups and using arrays to help us divide numbers. We are enjoying the challenges that division is bringing us. Have a look at us working hard in Maths.


We took part in a sponsored tennisathon to help raise money for our upcoming trip to Deep Sea World.  We had great fun and showed off our fantastic tennis skills. Watch out Andy Murray P2b are coming to Wimbledon !


Today we were learning how to use a two pan balance. We are able to identify what happens to the balance when heavy and light objects are put into it. We later worked out how much things in the classroom weighed by balancing the balance out using cubes. Have a look at uis at work.

Personal Projects

Today we handed in our personal projects about our favourite sea creatures. They all look fantastic. Mr Young said he was very proud of us and all our hard work. We enjoyed making our projects and were excited to show them off to the rest of our class and Primary 2a. Primary 2a also came to show us their projects. Have a look at our excellent work and see if you can guess our favourite sea creatures.

Fishy Facts

Today we were learning all about fish. Mr Young told us a little about them, then we got the ipads out and started partner research. Some of us even got to show our work to Mrs Hunter! That was very exciting. We learned lots of amazing and interesting facts! Did you know that fish have lived on earth before the dinosaurs did ? Neither did we , have a look at us carrying out our research.