All posts by Mr Young

P2/3 are Scientists !

This week we took part in a Science Investigation. We wanted to test which colours of font could be seen clearly at a distance. We enjoyed our experiment and writing our fantastic Science reports !

“The lighter colours were the easiest to see.” Ellie-Mae

“The bolder colours weren’t easy to see.” Abira

“The difference about the lighter colours and the darker colours.” Euan

“I enjoyed doing the bar graph.” Kayden B

“I enjoyed doing my picture in the science report.” Kady-Anne

” I like doing science.” Nathan

“I liked our topic.” Mya

“I like doing experiments.” Hannah

“I like to investigate science.” Tyler

“The difference between the lighter colours and the bolder colours.” Eilidh

” I like darker colours.” Adam

“I like science.” Ethan

Magic Potions

I know all of you have been eagerly awaiting a peak at our magic potions.Ā  Today we recieved our magic potions back from Hogwarts , along with a few feathers from the owl who delivered them.Ā  Albus Dumbledore was very impressed with them and the boys and girls at Hogwarts have been practising making them.Ā  Have a look at our magical work.


Halloween Disco

Last night there were spooky goings on at Whitelees Primary School. Lots of ghost , zombies and warewolves arrived for the Halloween Disco.Ā  The children all had a fantastic time, and the costumes were absolutely terrifying !

Smelly Science

As part of our sense topic we have been learning about our sense of smell. We took part in an experiment where we had to guess items in a cup by their smell.Ā  We all enjoyed this experiment and finding out if our guesses were correct. We even thought there were chips in one cup because of the salt and vinegar smell, it turns out it was actually crisps!


Primary 2 have started learning about muliplication and grouping as they play.Ā  This week they started learning about the two times table using groups and small bears. Have a look at them learning to group the bears into 2 groups.

Special “Magical” Delivery to P2/3

You wouldnt believe that on a day like this an unexpected arrival would come to Whitelees. After playtime there was a loud bang in the car park. An owl had landed on Mrs Hunters car ! In its claws were letters for P2/3. They were from none other than Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Mrs Lowrie delivered them to us, and upon opening them we discovered that Professor Dumbledore was asking for our help to write instructions for new magic potions! We were all very excited about this.Ā  We told Mrs Hunter, she came to see the letter and discover why her car was covered in feathers.Ā  Have a look at this magical moment in our class.

Distance Experiment

We took part in our first science experiment of the topic today. Dont worry there were no explosions or mad scientists. We worked in pairs to try and get our partner to drop a coin into a cup. Think it sounds easy?Ā  Wrong!Ā  We covered one eye to limit our sight, then tried to get the coin in the cup. This was very tricky and not as easy as we thought.

Collage Eyes

We learned about sight today. As part of our learning we looked at each others eyes and created a collage. Mr Young said they looked good enough to be real eyes. Have a look at us working very hard on our Art work.

Awesome Senses

We have just started our new Science topic “Awesome Senses”. We began this topic by thinking about what we already know aboout our senses. We all wrote one fact on a post it note and stuck it to the board. As we placed these facts we shared them with the rest of our class.

Our Friday Post

Dojo Winner

Our Dojo Winner this week is Kady Anne! Well done to you.

Quotes from our class.

” I have learned tricky words from my book.” – Tyler

“I learned about the Good Samaritan.” – Ross

“I liked to do neat handwriting.” – Kayden

“I enjoyed doing my sums” Leah

“I enjoyed doing our report” Kady-Anne

P2/3 Success

This week we have successfully written our Rainforest reports, with more independence.

We all achieved fantastic scores in our Beat That and Learn It Challenges this week.

We all successfully reseached the Arctic using the IpadsĀ  and wrote fantastic facts in our jotters.