All posts by Mr Young

Merry Christmas


To P2/3

Thank you for all your hard work since August. It has been great to see just how much you have grown in such a short space of time. You should all be very proud of yourselves.

I hope your parents were delighted with your jotters and loved reading your Christmas Train book. Maybe if you leave it out on Christmas Eve Santa will read it too.

I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you and your families for the lovely cards and gifts received at the end of term. I hope Santa is just as good to you all on Christmas Day.

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone and I look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year.

Mr Young 

Christmas Party

P2/3 had a fantastic time at their Christmas Party on Wednesday. They all looked great in their party outfits and had a ball. They played pass the parcel, musical statues and The Grand Old Duke of York. There was a special visitor at the party too. The sound of bells rang and Santa appeared to see them and give presents.

Our Jotters Are Coming Home

It’s that time of year again, our jotters are making their way to let people at home see how much work we have done, and how we have grown from August.  We have also been working very hard over the past 4 weeks writing our Christmas Story book during reading time. You will get to see our first drafts in our taught writing jotters and our redrafted book ! We have been learning how to Self, Peer and Teacher assess our work. We are very proud of this as it shows that we are responsible, successful and confident children! Remember to tell us what you like about our jotters and what you want us to work on for next term. Please return all of our jotters on Monday .



Data Handling

P2/3 have been learning all about data handling. P2 can create their own bar charts, carroll and venn diagrams to show data. P3 can create all these ways of presenting data AND use them to answer questions about frequency, most and least common items and many more . They used a range of jotter work and active learning to learn all about Data Handling.  They really enjoyed doing whole class diagrams on the board, especially the brothers and sisters carroll diagram. They even figured out where Mr Young’s name would go !