It’s been another busy week in Primary 2/3!

The Amazon

We worked in pairs or trios to do our research:

“The Amazon is the biggest rainforest in the world!” Louie.

“Spider Monkeys can grab food with their tails” Harry.

“When Spider monkeys hang upside down they look like spiders!” Malaika.

“Cheetahs are found in the Amazon” Carmen.

“The very top layer of the rainforest is called the emergent layer.” Aiden


Food Technology:

“I made a healthy sandwich and it was yummy!” Alysha.

“This week I tried spring onions on my sandwich and I liked them.” Eva.

“My sandwich had chicken, lettuce, cucumber and spring onions on it and I liked it!” John.

“We had a hand washing experiment to see how germs spread and how to wash our hands properly.” Luke.

The children have been learning about the Amazon Rainforest. This week they have been working hard to create birds of the Amazon.

“There are different kinds of birds living in the rainforest like Blue Fronted Amazons, Chestnut Eared Aracaris and Toucans” James.

“We used tissue paper and worked together to make our tropical birds” Aiden.