Victorian School Day

Today P2/3 went back in time to a Victorian classroom, with a Victorian teacher ! They lined up this morning like any other day until the bell went and the teacher appeared, cloak and cane ! Children came into class and learned about Queen Victoria, took part in Victorian writing lessons using slates and copybooks and practised the cursive alphabet.

After lunch they took part in a Drill and learned about arithmetic, Geography and History, reciting the dates of Kings and Queen from the tudor period to the present Queen, Victoria. Throughout the day children experienced Victorian punishments,  for asking a question or even speaking without permission.  Look at what the children had to say about their experience.


I enjoyed hanging in the Victorian cage – Zac

I liked experiencing how a Victorian school day would be – Craig

I enjoyed playtime – Kayden B

I enjoyed arithmetic Ethan

I enjoyed the Drills – Jamie

I enjoyed learning about the world – Tyler

I liked running around the pitch – Cayden M

I enjoyed arithmetic – Leah

I doing the Drill – Charlotte

I enjoyed the Victorian punishments – Logan

I enjoyed getting the Dunces hat – Ryan

I enjoyed the playtimes – Euan

I liked writing in cursive writing – Nathan

I liked the Victorian Punishments – Hannah

I enjoyed doing the alphabet on slates – Kady – Anne

I enjoyed the strict teacher – Mya

I liked arithmetic – Jessica

I loved the whole day, it was great fun  – Abira

I liked playtime because we got away from the very strict teacher – Ellie Mae

I enjoyed the dunces hat – Adam

I liked playtime because there were no toys and we had to play games with other children – Luca

I enjoyed the dunces hat – Eilidh

I liked learning about the cursive alphabet – Mitchell


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