Today we learned about what lives under the sea. Mr Young taught us about mammals, reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans and fish. We sorted these creatures into their correct species. After that we used our excellent Maths skills to figure out where they lived using a Venn Diagram on the smartboard.
We began our new RME topic “Caring and Sharing in Islam ” today. We started with a circle time talking about what makes a good friend and what makes a bad friend. We all gave ideas and respected the ideas of others. We then made posters of our own friends and wrote adjectives around them to show what makes them a good friend to us. Have a look at us working hard on these posters.
Today we learned about living and non living things. We learned what makes something living and began to classify a variety of things that live and dont live in the sea.
In Maths we are learning about halves and quarters. We are enjoying all the active learning we are doing. Especially when we get to use cake to help us learn our fractions. We can tell you what a half is and that it is one equal part of a whole shape. Have a look at us making shapes which are, and arent halves.
Primary 2b dived into their new topic “Under the Sea” today. We all wrote onto a post it note what we already knew. After that we stuck our Under the Sea facts onto the board and shared our knowledge. Mr Young said our facts were fantastic and we are Under the Sea Scientists in the making ! Here are some of the things we already know.
“Sharks eat other fish. ” Morgan
“900 years ago there were sea scorpians. They were very dangerous.” Ellie
“Sharks hide in caves.” Zac
“Fish have cold blood.” Alesha
” I know Killer Whales are in the sea” Argyll
We went out with Mrs Oliver to the playground to spot signs that spring is finally here. We noticed the leaves on the trees and lots of beautiful flowers which have grown. Have a look at what we saw.
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