Working hard in term 3

2 sets of 1
2 sets of 1
2 sets of 2
2 sets of 2
2 sets of three
2 sets of three



Last term P2a were very busy learning to tell the time and count money.    The children wrote stories, poems and used persuasive text to produce leaflets to go with our topic “Welcome to Cumbernauld”.   We chose a beautiful winter’s day to have a walk in the glen.  We also learned about the people who help to keep us safe and thoroughly enjoyed visits from dads who are in the Police Force and told us all about the work that they do.     P2a also had  fun cutting and chopping vegetables to make healthy snacks.

After an enjoyable and well earned Easter break we have been busy this week actively learning about sets of 2 and 10.   We have also started to learn fractions- halving.    In PE we are learning to control a ball and demonstrate the different ball skills needed for different sports.

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