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Visit from Police Officers

Today was a very exciting day in Primary 1 as two police officers came to visit us to tell us all about their job and how they keep our community safe. They told us all about their uniform and even used their handcuffs to arrest Mrs Vass and Miss Cliff! We also got to see inside the police car and hear the siren. We had lots of fun!

World Book Day Competition

The Competition Council are running a competition for world book day.

To be in with a chance of winning a £5 book token then all you have to do is draw a picture of your favourite book and write one sentence about it.

All entries must be submitted by 26th February.

Friday Blog

Have a look at what we have been learning this week:

“Our new sound was ng and I know that king and sing have that sound in it” – Millie.

“I enjoyed reading my new book called Balloons Go Pop” – Oliver.

“I enjoyed readin g my new book called Eggs and Dandelions” – Keilidh.

“In my school council I enjoyed making a poster” – Hannah.

“I have learned that when we add zero the number stays the same” – Louie.

“I have been learning how to count in tens” – Malaika.