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Weekly Winners

Well done to Sophia for being the dojo champion this week! She worked hard to earn lots of points.

Carmen was our Effective Contributor this week for sharing her fabulous invention idea with the class. Well done Carmen!

Lots of Learning

“I have learned how to sing the rainbow song in French” – Millie.

“I learned that violet is purple in French” – Hannah.

“I have been learning how to use a tennis racquet to hit a balloon” – Louie.

“I enjoyed learning the new songs for the school show” – Harvey.

“I learned how to read my new book called Matt’s Good Idea” – Samantha.




Watch Out Andy Murray!

Primary 1 have been working hard to develop our racquet skills in the gym hall. We had great fun using our racquets to practise hitting a balloon. We remembered to hold the tennis racquet properly, move our body with the balloon and to look at the balloon when we were hitting it.

First Week Back

Primary 1a are very happy to be back at school for term 4. We have been working really hard and have already learned some new things!

“I learned how to read my new book called Terrible Tiger” – Sophia.

“I learned how to write my new phoneme ‘ck’ and I know that sock has my new phoneme in it” – Kayla.

“I enjoyed gym on Monday where I learned how to balance a bean bag on a tennis racquet” – Aaron.

” I enjoyed learning about colours in French” – Olivia.

“I learned that 0 + 8 = 8 is a fact from the story of 8” – Sofian.

“I now know that marron is brown in French” – Louie.

“I enjoyed using different body parts to make a Loompaland monster” – Logan.

“I enjoyed reading my new book called Brad’s Birthday Cake” – Carmen.

Easter Chick Hunt

Today we got a very special letter from the Easter Bunny. He told us that Mother Chick had lost her babies and asked us if we could look for them. We searched in our area and managed to find all 40 of the missing chicks!


Yesterday we had great fun at our POLO Day. First we went into Nature’s Nest and used our senses to write a poem. Next we went around the playground on our bikes and scooters. Then we used natural materials we found in our playground to decorate an egg. Finally we collected

things to make a woodland potion. We had a super day!

Clever Cookies

We really enjoyed having two Police Officers in to visit us. Read what we learned.

“The Police arrest people who break the law.” – Aaron.

“The radio has a red button if the Police Officers are in danger.” – Louie.

“They use handcuffs to arrest people” – Malaika.

“They have a special spray to spray in criminal’s eyes.” – Sophia.

“They have body armour to keep them safe.” – Oliver.

“The put bad men in the police car and take them to jail.” – Logan.

“They have to handcuff people’s hands behind their back to stop them from hitting.” – Hannah.

“They have a baton.” – Harvey.