Holocaust Memorial Day – 27th January 2022

Holocaust Memorial Day takes place each year on 27th January.

This is a day dedicated to remembering the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution of other groups and in genocides that followed.

The date (27th January) marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp.

Holocaust Memorial Day is a time for people to come together to learn more about the past and take action to create a safer future. To mark this, two of our S6 pupils presented their Lessons from Auschwitz project to S4 History classes this week. They shared their knowledge of survivor stories and experiences.


Virtual visit to the Scottish Parliament

Our S4 Modern Studies pupils had an excellent digital visit to the Scottish Parliament.

This supported their coursework as they learned about what Parliament does, the role of MSPs and what happens at First Minister’s Questions.

Democracy in action!


Social Subjects Ambassadors – Calling all S6 pupils!

Are you in S6 and interested in becoming a Social Subjects Ambassador?????? ☝️
Can you ☝️ support the department in areas such as political literacy, raising awareness of global events and 🌎 issues 💡 as well as pupil voice? 😃
Come and see Miss Stoutjesdyk in room 180 (in the Social Subjects Department) for more information. 👋

UK Parliament Virtual Tour

Our S5/6 Modern Studies pupils got a brilliant virtual tour of the UK Parliament this week. They learned about the House of Commons and House of Lords; exploring their roles, how they get to be there and how laws are made between the two. The session also covered how to get involved and make your voice heard in Parliament. This was done so whilst walking virtually around the Palace where it all happens!

As well as this, the pupils had a Q&A session with MP Marion Fellows. Thank you Marion Fellows for answering the questions asked by pupils. This was a really useful session!

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Scottish Youth Parliament – Taylor High School Candidate

Scottish Youth Parliament is the democratic voice of Scotland’s young people. Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament listen to and recognise the issues that are most important to young people in every community across the country and ensure that decision-makers listen to their voices.

Here in Taylor High School, we have a candidate running to be a Member of teh Scottish Youth Parliament for the Motherwell and Wishaw constituency – Malaikah Ahmed of S4. See below the reasons below that Malaikah believes she is a good candidate:

If elected, one of my first campaigns would be to address racism within our community, as this is something, I am very passionate about. I am currently learning a range of languages to help break down any barriers that I may come across. I am a good listener, I’m enthusiastic and I will always represent the people to the best of my ability. I am also very reliable and would treat my position as MSYP with respect and give it 100%.

Interests: Equalities, Rights and Animal Rights / Cruelty

To vote go to: Welcome to the polling station for the Scottish Youth Parliament 2021 – Young Scot e-Voting and type in your Young Scot National Entitlement Card number to browse all of the candidates and cast your vote!

Scottish Youth Parliament

Voting for the Scottish Youth Parliament opens today. To vote in these elections, bring your YoungScot card to school this week. Voting will close on 21st November.

This is an opportunity to have your voice heard!

Follow the link to see who you can vote for in our area. You will see our very own Taylor High School pupil, Malaikah in S4, is running to be elected. Good luck Malaikah!


Senior Phase Supported Study Programme 2021-22

Supported Study sessions are now underway in the Social Subjects department.

These sessions will run for Senior Phase pupils. A list with details of each session can be found below.


Subject Day & Time Level Staff Location
Geography Wednesdays after school Higher Mr Dale 176
Geography Thursdays after school National 5 Mr Biggerstaff 176
Modern Studies Tuesdays after school National 5 Miss Munro/ Miss Conlon 178
Modern Studies Tuesdays after school Higher Mr McPake 182
History Thursday lunchtimes National 5 Miss Kane 183
History Thursdays after school Higher Miss Stoutjesdyk 180



9/11 – 20th Anniversary

September 11th, 2021 marked the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks of the USA.

Two decades on since the day that a pair of hijacked airplanes destroyed the World Trade Center towers, another plane crashed into the Pentagon  building and a fourth passenger jet crashed in a Pennsylvania field after passengers sought to regain control from hijackers, America and the world reflected on the events that saw 2977 people killed on September 11, 2001.

The event sparked wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, created a domestic war on terrorism as well as generating major changes to security rules and surveillance in the USA and worldwide.

To commemorate the day, hundreds of people gathered at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum on the spot where the World Trade Center’s twin towers once stood. Among these were President Biden and former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. They wore blue ribbons while the names of the dead were read off by family members and stories were shared.

All over the world, people observed minute’s silences in memory of the victims of the attacks. These were held at the times when the four buildings were struck.

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