About Curriculum For Excellence: 

Curriculum for Excellence is Scotland’s national curriculum guidance. It provides a coherent and inclusive curriculum from 3-18 years wherever learning is taking place, including early learning childhood centres, schools, colleges and community learning.  It places children and young people at the heart of Scottish Education.

The purpose of Curriculum for Excellence is encapsulated in the four capacities – to enable each child or young person to be:

  • a successful learner,
  • a confident individual,
  • a responsible citizen and
  • an effective contributor.

Curriculum for Excellence is defined as:

‘The totality of all that is planne for children and young people throughout their education’. The opportunities for learning and teaching are governed by the Four Contexts for Learning, which ensure that the education your child receives is informative, interesting, relevant and fun. These contexts are:

  • Ethos and life of the school as a community
  • Curriculum areas and subjects
  • Interdisciplinary learning
  • Opportunities for personal achievement.

The Curriculum Levels:

There are five levels and these are flexible depending on pupils’ needs and abilities (some children and young people may achieve these levels earlier or later dependent on ability):

  • Early level pre-school to P1
  • First level to the end of P4
  • Second level to the end of P7
  • Third and fourth levels S1 to S3
  • Senior phase S4 to S6 and other forms of study.