Category Archives: Primary 7

This Week’s Learning

Primary 7 had a visit this week from the Missions Priests. They told us a story all about how we judge ourselves and reminded us that we should care more about what God thinks of us.

Some of our children went to represent the school at Cross Country. Well done boys and girls. You made us all proud.

This week in maths we have been learning all about angles in a triangle. We had fun ripping the angles off and showing how they always add up to 180 degrees.

We are almost finished our War Horse novel study. Today we watched the first few chapters of the film. We were able to compare our vision with that of the film’s director.

JOSEPH, JOSEPH, JOSEPH!!!! The show is making excellent progress. We are excited to see it all come together. Luca did a great job at after school club!


We had an opportunity to taste some porridge as part of our learning in lent. There are many schools in Malawi which feed their children a bowl of porridge every day. This encourages them to attend school.

Please remember to attend Mass in the mornings if you can We will be assessing Pope Francis Faith Award very soon.


Going to the Cinema


This week all the children in the school will visit the cinema,

Tuesday 10th P1, P2 and P2/3 will attend Hamilton to see Spongebob The Movie. Thanks

Friday 13th p3-7 are looking forward to seeing The Sound Of Music Hamilton thank you to