WOW! What a way to end the term!! The theatre company Hopscotch came in to perform for us. We spent the afternoon being entertained. They performed the Wizard of Oz. The wicked witch of the East was very scary!! But … Continue reading
Our Bridge Project
February 20, 2018 by Miss Davidson | 0 comments
As part of our Wonders of the World topic we looked at the modern engineering wonders of the world – The Golden Gate Bridge being one of them. We worked in groups in class to plan and design our very own bridge to build in class. We had to complete an order form with the materials that we would like to use. During the build time we had the opportunity to trade in materials that were not working for us and the build for other materials that we felt would be more useful. Everyone worked well in their team, listening to each other and helping to solve design problems.
This gallery contains 14 photos