Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

Our Bridge Project

February 20, 2018 by Miss Davidson | 0 comments

As part of our Wonders of the World topic we looked at the modern engineering wonders of the world – The Golden Gate Bridge being one of them. We worked in groups in class to plan and design our very own bridge to build in class. We had to complete an order form with the materials that we would like to use. During the build time we had the opportunity to trade in materials that were not working for us and the build for other materials that we felt would be more useful. Everyone worked well in their team, listening to each other and helping to solve design problems. 

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Build a Bridge

November 20, 2017 by Miss Davidson | 0 comments

Primary 5 all had a fabulous time at the Build a Bridge Project. The children worked in two teams to build a bridge. Everyone in the group took on a different job, we had safety managers, site managers and much more. Not only did we successfully manage to complete the build we did so while learning lots about different types of bridges and different projects that engineers get the opportunity to work on during their working life all over the World. We also had the chance to learn more about money and how engineers make money through their job and the outgoings of big companies like this one. Everyone had a fabulous time and the bridge really was spectacular P5 and safe, Miss Davidson had to test it first. Well Done P5 fabulous teamwork, communication and determination!

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3D Shape

November 20, 2017 by Miss Davidson | 0 comments

In class Primary 5/4 have been investigating different 2D and 3D shapes. We have discussed the different properties of each shape and were we might see each shape in a real life context. Primary 4 worked hard to build their own 3D shapes from modelling clay and straws. Everyone had to think very carefully about how many vertices, edges and sides each shape had. Primary 4 also had to put their creative skills to the test when given the task to create a model using different 3D shapes in class. Everyone then had the chance to discuss with their group the shapes that they had used in their model and the properties of each and why certain shapes made for a better base than others. Primary 5 worked hard in pairs to identify different 3D nets of shapes. Once the nets had all been identified in pairs, P5 worked hard and as part of a team to construct their own 3D shape from a net. Fantastic job everyone!

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Our Marvellous Moon Buggies

November 20, 2017 by Miss Davidson | 0 comments

As part of our class topic we were set the task of creating our very own replica Moon Buggy, after learning about Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon. We discovered that different technology has helped people over time to collect more information about the Moon and Space. We have started to show and talk about our designs to the rest of the class and we are loving hearing about how our classmates have used different materials to create their own replica. Some ideas have been very creative but have also demonstrated a great understanding of a Moon Buggy, what it does and how it works. We cannot wait to hear from everybody else. Well Done P5/4! 

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Maths Week

October 12, 2017 by Miss Davidson | 0 comments

Primary 5/4 all had a fun filled week playing lots of different maths games. We all challenged ourselves playing SumDog and worked as a team to cross the river during our multiplication Stepping Stones game. We also played board games to help increase our mental addition and subtraction ability and our recall of our table facts.

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September 4, 2017
by Mr McKeever

Changes to Lunch Menu

North Lanarkshire has announced a number of important changes to their lunch menu. Chocolate and strawberry flavoured milk is being phased out and other healthier changes are being implemented during the week. All pupils were issued with a letter detailing … Continue reading

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