St Dominic's Primary and Nursery

"A place of faith, love. laughter and learning."


At St. Dominic’s Primary School we recognise the value of school uniform in identity ensuring all pupils feel equal. Our uniform is as follows:

  • Grey skirt / trousers
  • Blue shirt
  • Grey jumper/cardigan
  • School tie
  • White/grey/black socks or tights
  • Black shoes / boots

All North Lanarkshire Schools must have a dress code which encourages pupils to dress in a way which is appropriate to attendance at school.  This dress code must not lead to direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender or disability.  Prior to drawing up the dress code parents, pupils and staff were fully consulted.  It is the expectation of the education authority that parents will be keen to support the dress code and written agreement may be sought.


Clothing which is unacceptable in school under any circumstances includes items which:

  • could potentially encourage factions (e.g. football colours)
  • could cause offence (e.g. anti-religious symbolism or political slogans)
  • could cause health and safety difficulties such as loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings, and other potentially dangerous jewellery
  • are of flammable materials which may be a danger in certain classes
  • could cause damage to flooring
  • carry advertising in particular for alcohol or tobacco
  • could be used to inflict damage on other pupils or to be used by others to do so.

Parents in receipt of a grant for footwear and clothing from the council will be encouraged to purchase items which are in accordance with the school dress code.  Approval of any requests for such grants in other circumstances are at the discretion of the Assistant Chief Executive, Education Youth and Communities. Information and Application Forms may be obtained from any school or area office.  Parents are entitled to receive a clothing grant if they are in receipt of any of the following benefits: Income Support, Job Seekers’ Allowance (income based), Employment & Support Allowance (income related), Universal Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Rebate.


The council wishes to minimise claims arising from the loss of pupil’ clothing and/or personal belongings. Parents are asked to assist in this area by ensuring that valuable items and unnecessarily expensive items of clothing are not brought to school. Parents should note that the authority does not carry insurance to cover the loss of such items and any claims submitted to cover the loss of such things are likely to be met only where the authority can be shown to have been negligent.


Whilst in general terms it would not normally be the policy of the authority to exclude a pupil from school solely on the basis of his/her dress, persistent refusal to respond to a reasonable dress code might be deemed to be a serious challenge to the Head Teacher’s authority and to be detrimental to the well-being of the whole school community.

In such circumstances a head teacher may justify the use of the school discipline procedure.


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