St Dominic's Primary and Nursery

"A place of faith, love. laughter and learning."

School Improvement

Improvement Priorities 2020-21

Cluster Priority:

Improve outcomes for children via implementation of the GIRFEC Pathway for Planning and Support refresh and the establishment of Integrated Cluster Wellbeing Teams and Bases.


School Priority 1:

Further improve and support the mental, social, emotional and physical health of all children, families and staff by embedding and extending the range of nurture based approaches across the school.


School Priority 2:

Establish a digital pedagogy across all stages of the curriculum, which engages learners and delivers a high quality learning experience for all children and young people.


School Priority 3:

To ensure continued equity of access and opportunity for maximising learning in the broad general education.


Nursery Class Priority:

1140 expansion, ensuring a quality setting and a quality team who understand how children learn and develop.



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