Nursery Enrolment

Our Nursery has the capacity for 30 children in the morning session and 30 children in the afternoon session.
Children who attend our Nursery are aged 3-5 years.
Enrolments are carried out in June/December/March and parents are notified by letter. All Nursery places are allocated in line with the Council’s admissions policy and the Nursery staff will be happy to advise you how this policy operates when you apply for a place for your child. A leaflet detailing the Council’s policy is also available from all establishments. If you would like a copy, please ask for one. An admissions panel will meet at regular intervals throughout the year to decide how Nursery places will be allocated. The panel will consist of all heads of early years establishments in the area, the early years officer and representatives of the other agencies involved in supporting children and their families, e.g. Social Work Department, Health Board, etc.

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