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May in Primary 3/2

Ahoy there! We are the Captains of Primary 3/2 and we are excited to share some pictures with you today. They show all of our incredible work on Pirates and the fantastic display we worked hard to create. During this topic Miss Cassidy set us a ‘Home Challenge.’ We worked with our families to create ships, treasure chests, cannons, swords and maps. Then we brought them into school to add to our display.  Everyone in St. Brendan’s was very impressed with our effort! Some children even said it looked like a Pirate Museum! We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped make our creations so fabulous, we really impressed Miss Cassidy and all the other teachers and children with our hard work. Everyone was so impressed we decided to organise a Pirate Showcase. We invited a special guest from home to attend. This gave us the opportunity to present our work, amazing creations and all the fabulous facts we had discovered. We even sang some of our Sea Shanties. Everyone had a great time! We were sad when our topic came to an end but were very excited to discover that this term we would be learning all about space! We are already impressing our teachers with all facts we know. We are even making papier mache planets! We think it’s going to be really messy but we are sure Miss Cassidy and Miss Hill won’t mind because its such great fun!

Kilbowie Wednesday 14th May 2014

An other fun filled day in Oban! The boys and girls challenged themselves in very cold water and slippery rocks by attempting the Gorge Walking! Even Miss O’Donnell and Miss Rooney jumped straight in to the cold water and had lots of fun. The pupils showed how caring they were by helping each other overcome their fears, encouraging one another and also helping each other at the tricky bits.

This afternoon, one group learned how to ski and some of the pupils even mastered jumps and turns! Their instructor was very impressed with their skills and talents. The other group went Mountain Biking. The boys and girls found this challenging as it was steep hills with potholes and lots of mud! However, they all loved going downhill as they got to go really fast.

This evenign we are busy filling in our logbook so we have a diary and a record of all our activities and acheivements, then we are heading out to give the nightline a go!

Here are some more photos of our time at Kilbowie. Keep checking back and on Twitter for more updates!

Kilbowie Fun – Tuesday 13th May

After a long journey yesterday and a good night’s sleep the boys and girls woke up early to sunshine and fulll of energy! We have had an action packed day. If you read our tweet earlier, you would know everyone was on Safari this morning. The pupils learned about habitats, different animals and lots of interesting facts about the environment and how this affects plant and animal life.

The sun kept shining all day, so after lunch we were all out on the water. There was a mixture of canoes and kayaks. Some people sailed on their own and others worked with their friends to paddle their canoe to Heather Island. There was lots of fun jumping and splashing into the ice cold water – even from Miss Rooney! Now it’s time for dinner and another activity before bed.

We hope the sun keeps shining all week. Check back later in the week and we will update you with more details about our challenging activities.

Also follow us on twitter for more information!

May in Primary 2/1

Since our last blog post, we have continued to work very hard! We are almost ready to move into big Primary 2 & Primary 3 now and are very excited to be preparing for our next stage.

Since coming back after Easter, we have been focusing on the story of ‘The Lorax’ by Dr. Seuss. We heard all about how the Onceler chopped down all the Truffula Trees in Thneedville and we have been learning all about what happens when we donít look after the environment. We have decided to make a new home for the Lorax and his friends at St. Brendan’s. So far, we have made special Lorax plant pots to guard the new Truffula Trees we will plant. Do you like them?

From Monday 12th May until Friday 6th June, the class will be running a small Recycling Centre in the school. We will be looking to recycle…

  • Paper
  • Plastic Bottles
  • Aluminum Cans

We are also particularly interested in gathering…

  • 2 Litre Plastic Bottles
  • Plastic Bottle Tops (of any size and all colours!)

We hope the other boys and girls will help us to reduce, reuse and recycle because, as ‘The Lorax’ says…

‘Unless someone like you cares and whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better… It’s not.’

Primary 1’s First Blog!

Primary 1 would like to welcome you to our school website. We hope you enjoy reading our first blog post.

This term we have been very excited about the nursery children visiting our classroom.
We have been working together on language and maths activities and having fun while we learn. We are looking forward to more visits next term.

This has been a very busy time for primary 1. We have been learning to add to 10. We recognise  2D shapes and can make interesting pictures with them.
Our interdisciplinary science topics were sound and minibeasts. We learned how sound travels from the outer ear to the brain. The journey of sound is very fast but we must listen to hear.

Our minibeast topic was interesting too. We painted beautiful butterflies and folded them to make symmetrical pictures. We also learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We found it amazing that an ugly caterpillar could change into something so beautiful.

Summer Term in Primary 5

Primary 5 and Miss O’Donnell are working hard after a lovely Easter break. There are lots of things happening this term. Currently, we are halfway through our Swimming and Gym Programme at Wishaw Sports Centre. The boys and girls so far have been learning how to play basketball and will soon be learning all the skills necessary for volleyball. The pupils are enjoying practising their swimming techniques and developing their confidence in the water.

Our IDL Topic this term is The Life of David Livingstone. The pupils are very excited about this topic and discovering all about his travels to Africa and fight against slavery.

Check back soon to find out how we are getting on and for some interesting photos.

P4 visit to Tesco

P4 thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Tesco yesterday!

We had the opportunity to take part in a variety of fun and interesting tasks. We had a shopping challenge where we had to find four grocery items, all of which had to be either Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance products. We also had to make sure we stuck to our budget of £10, so we had to do some sums along the way! At the end of this task each of us had the chance to use the checkout and make sure our totals were under £10. Using the checkout was a lot of fun!

We also had a guided tour of the bakery. Ally was very funny and he showed us all the machines, equipment and ingredients used to make bread, rolls, pancakes and lots of other delicious treats. We even got to make our own rolls, and we loved rolling them into long sausage shapes before they were baked.

We had a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of Tesco too, where we got to see where the lorries deliver the products and we even got the chance to step into the giant freezer and fridge! Most of the class enjoyed the freezer most because the temperature was -20 degrees!

We also enjoyed the food tasting task, where we had the chance to identify and taste a variety of foods, from smoked salmon, to cheeses and meat.

At the end of the visit we were set a challenge to identify fruits and vegetables and the country they came from. To finish off we tasted lots of different fruits. The lemons made us pull some rather strange faces! We all left with a goodie bag and we were thrilled in the afternoon when the bakery manager dropped off all our rolls that we had made.

Everyone had a great time at Tesco, thanks to all staff involved!

March in Primary 4

Primary 4 have been very busy this term. For our interdisciplinary topic this term of ‘Food and Health’ we have been doing lots of fun and interesting tasks to find out more about keeping healthy by eating the right foods and how keeping active helps us stay healthy and strong.

We have recently started a ‘Healthy Soup Project’. For this we make soups that are both healthy and tasty and we ask all the children and staff in the school to try it. We then send letters home to ask parents to buy the ingredients and recipe card so they can make the soup at home with their child.

We are doing this because we want to encourage healthy cooking at home and we want children to be interested in cooking and eating healthy foods. The money we raise pays for the ingredients and any profit we make is donated to SCIAF. We have all really enjoyed taking part in cooking and trying new foods. We have fun making the letters and recipes, taking in and organising our orders and working out how much money we need! In fact it ties in quite nicely with us learning about money in our maths! We like organising each class coming to sample our soup and even the cleaning up afterwards isn’t too much of a chore! We work in groups to organise the bags of ingredients and give them out to the children who have placed orders. Clearly though, the best thing about our soup project is making the soup and getting the chance to taste it!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far and we hope you have enjoyed making the soup as much as we have!

March in Primary 7

Primary 7 would like to welcome you to our school website and thank you for reading our very first blog post.

This term we have been busy learning about World War Two for our interdisciplinary topic. So far we have researched significant figures and sketched the individuals that played a significant role in the war. We thoroughly enjoyed this lesson, particularly working with charcoal. Also, we researched the impact of the war on the home front and, in particular, the Clydebank Blitz. We designed artwork to represent a skyline of the blitz attack. Check out our artwork below!

To take our learning beyond the classroom, we have been taking part in a homework project. We have been very busy designing Anderson shelters. A huge effort has been made by all and the class have a wide variety of designs using various different materials and resources.

Furthermore, to celebrate World Book Day we worked alongside our peers in our collaborative learning groups to design book covers of some of our favourite children’s books. This was great fun and the final products are wonderful.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read our blog and we hope you enjoyed reading about our learning as much as we enjoyed taking part.

March in Primary 3

During the last two weeks, Primary 3 and Miss Allan have been looking after chicken eggs, as part of the Living Eggs Project. The eggs were delivered to the school in a special incubator to keep them at a nice warm temperature. Two days after this the first egg hatched! We all suggested names for the first baby chick and put them in a hat. Ellie’s suggestion was picked, and the chick was christened Mrs Pecker. Primary 3 later did an assembly for parents and carers to showcase all their amazing work. We really enjoyed looking after the chicks and are very happy they have all found new loving homes!