Category Archives: * Successful learner

January in Primary 4/3

A big hello and welcome back to our blog!

The boys and girls have been very busy since returning to school at the start of the month and are excited for what is going to be a very special term. Our Primary 3 children have already begun their preparations for the sacrament of Reconciliation and are looking forward to their Reconciliation retreat with Father Brown this coming Wednesday. Our Primary 4 children will begin to prepare for the sacrament of First Communion in the coming months.

Returning to school on the 5th of January allowed the class to learn more about the story of the Three Wise Men and we all enjoyed creating our very own Epiphany collages for display. Below you can see us hard at work on this activity.

The class has had great fun in the wild January weather. We have been using the weather as stimulus for different types of writing. We wrote our own instructions about how to build at snowman and even ventured outside on one particularly blustery day to get some inspiration for our own windy day stories.

Our class will be working hard to create our own newspaper over the course of the term and we can wait to share our hard work with everyone.

Miss Burns & Primary 4/3


Kilbowie 15th May 2014

Our fun filled week is nearly over. All of the boys and girls have been working hard challenging themselves to try new activities and learn new skills. Last night, they tested their teamwork and communciation skills by completing the Nightline. An activity where everyone is blindfolded and you have to make your way through a maze and pass on any tips about obstacles which are ahead of you. This was great fun and children especially enjoyed getting muddy as they were washed down with the hose afterwards! We then went in for supper which was extra special as Amy and Declan had a birthday to celebrate. Supper was super tasty – that’s right birthday cake!

This morning everyone headed to Ganavan Beach to try some rock climbing on the cliffs. A few children faced their fear of heights and surprised themselves with how much they were capable of doing. Also the pupils had to help each other check their equipment to ensure that everyone was safe while climbing up the rocks.

This afternoon, there was a mixture of fun actitivies – from adventure walks in the hills and finding caves to sailing across to Heather Island and discovering old ruins.

The pupils are getting very excited for the Disco tonight and the long journey back home tomorrow. The week has been action packed with plenty of fun and laughter, as well as picking up some new skills. I can guarantee all of the parents that their children will be shattered tomorrow and that there is a case full of washing for them. A brilliant week with great children who should be proud of themselves as their teachers are proud of them. Well done everyone!

Scientists in Primary 5

Welcome to our first blog post from Miss O’Donnell and Primary 5 within the Junior/Senior Department of our school.

Primary 5 have been investigating the importance and uses of water, and this week we decided to do some experimenting.

The boys and girls had learned about soluble and insoluble substances and they wanted to try it for themselves. After lots of discussion, they decided to investigate if salt, brown sugar and crushed chalk would dissolve in hot and cold water.

The pupils then collected all the equipment which they needed – salt, brown sugar, crushed chalk, water, tubs, spoons, etc and set about experimenting.

There was lots of fun and amazement in the class as the children saw the salt and brown sugar dissolve before their eyes especially when the sugar changed the colour of the water. The children had thought that the crushed chalk had dissolved in cold water but we decided to check by filtering the solution through the filter paper.

Sadly, the chalk hadn’t dissolved to form a solution and the children learned that chalk was insoluble.

The boys and girls had lots of fun. Watch out – Scientists are about!

Check back regularly for updates from the Junior/Senior Department.