Primary 7 – Term 3 Curriculum Letter

Dear parents/carers,

I can’t quite believe Term 3 is upon us already. Time clearly flies when you are learning and having fun. The children have been enjoying their new roles as Peer Mediators and monitors and should continue with this responsible attitude throughout Term 3.


The children will continue with the same North Lanarkshire Active Literacy Programme for Spelling, Reading, Writing and Talking and Listening in Term 3. They will be concentrating on non-fiction to start, moving onto two novels afterwards. We will be continuing with the same comprehension strategies for our reading, gaining confidence in these as the term progresses.


In Term 3 we will be looking at Multiplication, Measure, Division, Fractions and Decimals, 2D and 3D shape and Angles. Again, we will be using the active approaches suggested in the Pathways planners along with the Teejay programme.

Health and Wellbeing

The children will be continuing on with the Knowing Me Knowing You Programme during Term 3. They will also be introduced to God’s Loving Plan later in the term and this will be related to our RE programme also. During PE the children will be focussing on Central Net and Ball Games and they will also receive lessons on a variety of sports from Motherwell College Sports students.

Social Studies

Our IDL theme for Term 3 is The Scottish Parliament. We have a Bed4 student with us for most of Term 3 and she will be responsible for delivering most of this IDL theme. We are very fortunate to be going a trip to the Scottish Parliament in February and the children are really looking forward to this.


As you are well aware, the children are making their Confirmation this term. This is such an exciting and important time for them as they prepare to become full members of God’s church. The children should ensure that they complete all Home Sessions within the Confirmation booklet, fully discussing all themes with yourselves. We will also look at ‘Christian Witness’, ‘Pentecost and Trinity Sunday’ and ‘God’s Loving Plan’ throughout this term. The Primary 7 children have now led First Thursday mass twice and showed confidence and maturity when doing so. May this continue throughout Term 3.

If you have any queries don’t hesitate to use your child’s diary as a means of contact with myself.

Thank you again for all of your support so far this year.

Many Thanks

Miss Mitchell

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