A Letter from Miss Burns in Primary 4/3

Dear Parent/Carer,

After a relaxing October break, the class have now settled back into the school routine and are ready for the new learning and challenges this term will bring.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support in the children’s Scottish Wonders project last term. The children’s research on and models of their own Scottish Wonders were very impressive and have been admired by staff, parents and the children alike as part of our display on the first floor.

With preparations being made for both our St Andrews Day showcase and the festive season, term two is sure to be a busy and exciting time for the boys and girls.


As in the previous session, the class will be continue to follow the North Lanarkshire Active Literacy Programme to support their learning in spelling, phonics, reading and writing.

Primary 3 children will continue to explore new sounds and common words each week in class and through our homework programme. Children will work with a range of both fiction and non-fiction texts to build their fluency and comprehension skills.

Our Primary 4 children will continue to work closely with myself and one another to build their confidence in the new approach to phonics and spelling which was introduced in the first term. Following a short block of non-fiction work, the children will then undertake a novel study of the text ‘Bullies at School’.


In numeracy, the class will continue to experience a mix of direct teaching, partner/group activities and written tasks to build and consolidate their understanding of concepts.

Over the course of the term, the class will explore the themes of subtraction, measure and multiplication, with the children working at their own level. Our Primary 3 children will continue to work with numbers up to and including one hundred and the 2, 4, 5 & 10 times tables. Our Primary 4 children will continue to work with numbers up to and including one thousand and will extend their knowledge of multiplication facts to include the 3 & 6 times tables.


In RE, our class will be learning more about the love, care and celebrations of the Church and Parish communities. We will also reflect on November, the month of the faithful departed. In the lead up to Christmas, the class will revisit the theme of Advent in class as well and will be involved in wider school celebrations of the Holy season.

Health & Wellbeing

Whilst the hall timetable may differ slightly to accommodate practises for our Christmas performances, our focus this term will be on aesthetics, primarily dance. Where access to the gym hall is not possible, it is my intention that the class will make use of resources such as Cyber Coach and other areas within the school including the class, playroom and, weather permitting, outdoors.

Social Studies

During the second term, several of the classes on the first floor will be working to explore the theme ‘Under the Sea’. Our class will be taking a Games Based Learning approach to the theme and will be using the Wii game ‘Endless Ocean’ to inspire our learning across the curriculum. I am sure the children will be very excited about this.

Again, please continue to communicate any queries or concerns using the homework diary.

Many thanks

E Burns

Class Teacher

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