A Letter from Miss Burns in Primary 4/3

Dear Parent/Carer,

A big welcome back to all of the children who will be joining me, Miss Burns, for their time in Primary 3 & Primary 4. The children in Primary 4/3 have come together from three different classes & we have had great fun getting to know one another properly during the first week back at school.

As you will be aware, with both stages preparing for Sacraments later in the year, the class will be in for a very busy and exciting time in Primary 4/3.


All children will be continuing to follow the North Lanarkshire Active Literacy Programme to support their learning in spelling, phonics, reading and writing.

As in the previous stage, Primary 3 children will be introduced to a new sound and set of common words each week. Words and sounds will be consolidated through work in class and our active homework programme. Children will also continue to build their fluency and comprehension skills in reading by working with banded books in class and at home.

To develop further their accuracy in writing, our Primary 4 children will begin to focus closely on the different representations of phonemes in addition to learning new strategies and rules for spelling. The children will start the term undertaking a novel study of the text ‘The Invisible Dog’.


In numeracy, the class will continue to apply what they learn in active and practical ways. Each week, the children will experience direct teaching, partner/group activities and written tasks to build and consolidate their understanding of concepts.

Over the course of the term children will revisit familiar topics including place value and addition, with the children working at their own level. Our Primary 3 children will be working closely with numbers up to and including one hundred, while our Primary 4 children will be further challenged by working with numbers up to and including one thousand.


In RE, our class will be focusing on Sunday, the Lord’s day, by learning about the story of creation, the importance of Sunday as a holy day and the Mass. Later in the term the children will also be learning more about the Saints and how they can inspire us to show our faith everyday.

Health & Wellbeing

A wee reminder that PE for Primary 4/3 will take place on a Monday and a Wednesday. We would encourage the children to bring their kit into school on a Monday and take it home on the Friday. All items of children’s kit should be clearly labeled with their name and class. This term, our focus will be on Athletics.

Social Studies

Our class topic for the first term will be ‘The Wonders of the World’. The class will be exploring the Wonders of the World – old and new – and making comparisons. This will provide lots of inspiration for learning in different areas and, as always, any support/contributions from home are welcomed.

I am looking forward to working together with both you and your child to help him/her to make the very best of their year in Primary 4/3. Please feel free to communicate any comments or concerns using the homework diary.

Many thanks

E Burns

Class Teacher

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