June in P2/1

At the end of term, Primary 2/1 have been busy right up until the last minute! We all really enjoyed our topic – ‘The Lorax’. We opened a Recycling Centre in the school and encouraged all of the children to bring in their used plastic bottles, old paper, card and cans. After weeks of collecting we went on a long walk up to Netherton Recycling Centre with our heavy bags of rubbish! It was rainy but we had great fun. We have also been visiting lots of beautiful green spaces. We have walked to Baron’s Haugh in Muirhouse with the RSVP and even took a trip to Calderglen Country Park! We now know all about our beautiful environment and how to take care of it. We are all very excited about moving on to our next stage and we are sure you will hear lots more from us after the summer.
We hope you have a wonderful summer holiday!

Miss Burns and Primary 2/1

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