March in Primary 4

Primary 4 have been very busy this term. For our interdisciplinary topic this term of ‘Food and Health’ we have been doing lots of fun and interesting tasks to find out more about keeping healthy by eating the right foods and how keeping active helps us stay healthy and strong.

We have recently started a ‘Healthy Soup Project’. For this we make soups that are both healthy and tasty and we ask all the children and staff in the school to try it. We then send letters home to ask parents to buy the ingredients and recipe card so they can make the soup at home with their child.

We are doing this because we want to encourage healthy cooking at home and we want children to be interested in cooking and eating healthy foods. The money we raise pays for the ingredients and any profit we make is donated to SCIAF. We have all really enjoyed taking part in cooking and trying new foods. We have fun making the letters and recipes, taking in and organising our orders and working out how much money we need! In fact it ties in quite nicely with us learning about money in our maths! We like organising each class coming to sample our soup and even the cleaning up afterwards isn’t too much of a chore! We work in groups to organise the bags of ingredients and give them out to the children who have placed orders. Clearly though, the best thing about our soup project is making the soup and getting the chance to taste it!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far and we hope you have enjoyed making the soup as much as we have!

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