Primary 2M Term 2 Letter


November 2015

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I wish to take this opportunity to firstly thank you for all of your support over the first few months of this academic year.  It has truly been a pleasure getting to know your children and we have all settled very well into our classroom routines. We have a very exciting and eventful term in store for P2M and I, along with the children am looking forward to this term as it is always a magical time of year. This is a brief outline of the work that we will be undertaking within the class during the second term.


We will be continuing to follow the North Lanarkshire Active Literacy Programme in spelling and common words. This term we will focus more on the phoneme stories and the children will be using elkonin boxes in class to support their learning of phonics. The children will continue to read two books per week with associated writing tasks in class to develop their comprehension skills. The children will be given opportunities to answer questions from their books and complete beginning, middle and end tasks. It is important that the children continue to bring their books into school daily to ensure they are able to use them to carry out their tasks. In Big Writing this Term the children will be given opportunities to write both narrative and instructional pieces of writing.


In Primary 2M we have been working on time, focusing on days, months, seasons and using a calendar. We will be continuing with addition and subtracting looking at expressions and equations. Further development on 2D and 3D shape will be a focus this term where the children will be able to identify these shapes and investigate patterns with them i.e. whether the shape can be tiled or not. Finally measure (length and area) and money will be explored this term also. Numeracy concepts are taught actively with the use of interactive games as well as peer/group work.

Religious Education

During the second term the children will be learning about Jesus’ Family and Ours where they will be given opportunities to talk about their own family, Jesus, the Holy family and Our Church Family. We will be celebrating how God made everyone unique and special in their own individual way. Advent will be our main focus for learning this term and I have no doubt that the children will thoroughly enjoy this time. We will create our own Advent wreath and our class Nativity scene. The children will learn more about how the Angel Gabriel brought God’s special message to Mary as well as how the angels and shepherds rejoiced together at Jesus’ birth.

Health and Wellbeing

In P.E. the learning will be focused on Gymnastics and Dancing. The children will be given opportunities to experience balancing, rolling and using their weight on hands. Then the children will be able to sequence these together. In Dancing the children will be given opportunities to create and perform a selection of dance actions within a space. Please ensure your child continues to bring their P.E. kit to school on a Monday and takes it home on a Friday.


This term Primary 2M will be learning about The Human Body. They will be learning about the position and function of the human skeleton and about major organs in the human body. They will learn ways which they can keep their body healthy and understand how germs spread and what they can do to prevent this. They will be given opportunities to explore their senses and will conduct a science experiment based on their senses.

Thank you for your continued support, please use your child’s homework diary to communicate any concerns/comments.

Kind Regards,

Miss Mc Dermott

Class Teacher Primary 2M




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