An update from Primary 3/2 and Miss Cassidy

As part of our Interdisciplinary work the boys and girls of Primary 3/2 have been exploring the theme ‘Under the sea.’

During Purposeful Play we have been involved in many exciting activities.

In the construction area, the children have been using junk, brought in from home, to build submarines. They have also used Lego to make models of their favourite sea creatures.

In the Imaginative Area the children have become waiters or waitresses in their very own Seaside Sweetie Shop. The shop sells yummy cupcakes, ice cream cones and ice lollies, perfect after a day swimming in sea. The children have enjoyed taking orders, writing menus and using their maths skills to work out their customers’ bills.

At the water area the children have enjoyed searching through colourful Jelly to find different sea creatures. They enjoyed playing in the water beads and growing their own sea creatures.

At the creative corner the children have been using a variety of media to create lots of different sea creature pictures. We have used paper plates to make crabs and tissue paper to make fish.

The children have been showing of their fabulous singing voices when learning ‘Under the Sea’ from Disney’s Little Mermaid.

We look forward to finding out our new Interdisciplinary theme in the New Year.

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