An Update from Primary 5 and Miss Burns!

The children in Primary 5 have all been working very hard. We have started our new novels, which the children are all thoroughly enjoying. We have also started our new topic The Victorians and so far the children love learning all about the Victorian era. We have looked at the life of Queen Victoria, the clothing worn during Victorian times and the jobs that children had to carry out. The class and Miss Hill have been working on creating their own Victorian clothing through drawing and will decorate these with a variety of different resources for our Victorian wall display. We have an exciting trip planned which is linked to our Victorian topic, I will provide you with more information on this nearer the time.

Primary 5 led the First Thursday mass last week and I was very proud of them. They showed how responsible and confident they are as they were exceptionally well behaved and those taking part in readings and offertory did so with enthusiasm!

Here are some photos of Primary 5 researching Victorian Children at work!

Keep checking the Twitter feeds for regular updates on Primary 5.

Kind Regards

Miss Burns

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