A Letter from Miss Cassidy in Primary 3/2

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope you had a great October holiday. It was lovely to meet with you before the break to discuss your child’s learning and to set new targets for term 2. This will be a busy term with preparations for the St. Andrew’s Concert, the Christmas Nativity and, of course, the excitement of Christmas parties. We are looking forward to the term ahead and would like to share a brief overview of the learning that will be taking place in our P3/2 class.


Children will continue to follow North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy Programme for spelling and phonics. They will continue to learn new words and a new sound every week and this will be consolidated through class and homework.

In reading, the children will work at their own level and experience a variety of books to challenge their imaginations and comprehension skills. They will continue to take a book home, which they should read for pleasure and to help develop fluency.


Children will begin this term by looking at shape and pattern. Primary 2 will begin to recognise simple 3D objects and 2D shapes in their environment and in pictures. Primary 3 will begin to identify and name 2D shapes and 3D objects. They will learn the vocabulary associated with 2D shapes and 3D objects, for example corner, side, angle.

We will explore tiling and work to copy and continue simple patterns involving more than one object, shape or colour. As we develop this skill the children will use a variety of media to create their own more complex patterns.

We will move on to further develop our skills within subtraction. Primary 2 will work on numbers to 20 with Primary 3 exploring numbers to 100.

Religious Education

For R.E this term we will explore the community of the church and the themes of the liturgical seasons. We will discuss the ways in which people can experience God’s love and care and reflect on how our community celebrates together.

We will explore some of the signs and symbols related to Advent and Christmastide and use this understanding to explore the themes of these celebrations. Throughout advent we will learn about the birth of Jesus at Christmas, Jesus’ life on earth and why honouring Mary is an important part of our faith.

Health and Wellbeing

This term children will look at Road Safety through the educational pack ‘Speeding Ted.’ This will act as a stimulus for discussion and allow us to explore the theme through role play, discussion and group activities.

The focus for P.E this term is dance. Our school delivers 2 hours every week. Although Primary 3/2’s timetabled days for P.E are Tuesday and Thursday this may change due to Christmas show rehearsals. Therefore, we ask that children bring their kits to school on a Monday and take them home on a Friday.

Social Studies

This term we will begin work on our exciting new theme ‘Under the Sea.’ This theme is set to take over the first floor of our school as we will work alongside the other classes to create many exciting learning experiences. We have lots of fun and interesting lessons planned and this theme will influence our work in many curricular areas.  Here are a few examples of the learning that will take place; we will be creating many fantastic pieces of art work, researching the different creatures that can be found under the sea, looking at life cycles of these sea creatures and exploring their habitats, learning the song ‘Under the Sea’ from Disney’s The Little Mermaid, discussing how people affect the sea and much more!

Again I would like to thank you in advance for all your support this term, please continue to use your child’s homework diary to communicate any concerns/ comments.

Many Thanks

Miss Jodi Cassidy

Class Teacher (P3/2)

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