A letter from Miss Cassidy in Primary 3/2

Dear Parent/Guardian,
I hope you have all had a wonderful summer break and I would like to welcome you back to the new school year. The children have had a week to settle back into their normal school routine, get to know their new classmates and have been hard at work setting their targets for the new term ahead. This week however, it is back to business as usual with high standards to ensure that your child achieves his/her potential. We are excited for the term ahead and would like to share a brief overview of the learning that will be taking place in our P3/2 class.
Children will continue to follow North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy Programme for spelling and phonics. They will continue to learn new words and a new sound every week and this will be consolidated through class and homework.
In reading, the children will work at their own level and experience a variety of books to challenge their imaginations and comprehension skills. They will continue to take a book home, which they should read for pleasure and to help develop fluency.
Children will begin this term by learning the sequence of days in a week, months in a year and will be able to group the months into seasons. Our Primary 2 children will learn that months are made up of a different numbers of days with our primary 3 children learning to specify how many days are in each month. We will then move on to learn about our number system. Children will discover that this is built around the digits 0 – 9 and be able to use the digits 0 – 9 in different combinations to make numbers. Children will also learn how to read, write and order a range of whole numbers. Our Primary 2 children will work with the numbers 0-20 and our Primary 3 children developing onto numbers 0-100.
Religious Education
During this term our focus for R.E will be ‘Creation.’ Children will be learning about God’s Role in making them and the world as we know it. They will discuss God’s love for us and the qualities that make us all both unique and special. Children will also be learning about many well known Saints, their lives and lessons.

Health and Wellbeing
This term children will explore the theme of friendship and discuss the qualities that make a ‘good’ friend. This will be supported through the education pack ‘Friendship Terrace.’ This pack stimulates discussions by using stories of various situations and asking the children to explore their feelings and reactions to each story. We will also be looking at the choices we make and the impact this has on our general fitness. Please not that P.E is a mandatory part of our curriculum and our school aims to deliver 2 hours every week. Science this term will be taught by Mrs McLauchlan and the focus will be living things and the environment.
Social Studies
This term the children will take part in the whole school theme of ‘Our Wonderful World.’ Primary 3/2 will explore the local area and will enjoy looking at Scotland in a wider context. Children will learn through play, discussion and many group activities to develop their understanding of our local environment and places of local interest.

Thank you in advance for all your support this term, please continue to use your child’s homework diary to communicate any concerns/ comments.
Many Thanks
Jodi Cassidy
Class Teacher (P3/2)

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