May in Primary 3/2

Ahoy there! We are the Captains of Primary 3/2 and we are excited to share some pictures with you today. They show all of our incredible work on Pirates and the fantastic display we worked hard to create. During this topic Miss Cassidy set us a ‘Home Challenge.’ We worked with our families to create ships, treasure chests, cannons, swords and maps. Then we brought them into school to add to our display.  Everyone in St. Brendan’s was very impressed with our effort! Some children even said it looked like a Pirate Museum! We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped make our creations so fabulous, we really impressed Miss Cassidy and all the other teachers and children with our hard work. Everyone was so impressed we decided to organise a Pirate Showcase. We invited a special guest from home to attend. This gave us the opportunity to present our work, amazing creations and all the fabulous facts we had discovered. We even sang some of our Sea Shanties. Everyone had a great time! We were sad when our topic came to an end but were very excited to discover that this term we would be learning all about space! We are already impressing our teachers with all facts we know. We are even making papier mache planets! We think it’s going to be really messy but we are sure Miss Cassidy and Miss Hill won’t mind because its such great fun!

One thought on “May in Primary 3/2”

  1. The Pirate project was great fun, Ava loved making a treasure chest at home and we loved helping her 🙂

    Very proud of P3/2 what a great display

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