Primary 1’s First Blog!

Primary 1 would like to welcome you to our school website. We hope you enjoy reading our first blog post.

This term we have been very excited about the nursery children visiting our classroom.
We have been working together on language and maths activities and having fun while we learn. We are looking forward to more visits next term.

This has been a very busy time for primary 1. We have been learning to add to 10. We recognise  2D shapes and can make interesting pictures with them.
Our interdisciplinary science topics were sound and minibeasts. We learned how sound travels from the outer ear to the brain. The journey of sound is very fast but we must listen to hear.

Our minibeast topic was interesting too. We painted beautiful butterflies and folded them to make symmetrical pictures. We also learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We found it amazing that an ugly caterpillar could change into something so beautiful.

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