St Bernard's Primary School

Starting Primary


Infant Registration

Enrolment of children entering school for the first-time takes place in January of the year of entry. Details are given in the local press several weeks in advance and in St. Bernard’s Church and the associated Nurseries. Letters are sent from the Head Teacher to parents who have other children already at the school, giving the time and date of enrolment. Appointments to enrol can be arranged through the school.


Birth and Baptismal certificates should be produced and it is preferable if children accompany parents at the time of enrolment.

Parents who wish their child to attend this school but live out with the area, must first enrol the child in the school within their own catchment area, stating their preferred school. Then an online placing request form can be accessed from NLC website.

Parents of new pupils will be invited to a series of sessions in the school before the start of the new session to support and enhance transition to school.

Enrolment of Children during the School Year

Transfer Where a parent decides to transfer a pupil to another school in the middle of a session the following procedures should be followed:

(a) Inform the Head Teacher of the child’s present school by visit or by telephone.

(b) Enrol the child in the school of choice, if there is a vacancy. If the child will be living in the catchment area of the school that is all that is required. Where the child will be living out with the catchment area of the requested school, the following procedure must be observed. (a) Inform the Head Teacher of the intention to transfer.

Parents seeking a place for their child in this school are asked to contact the head teacher in order that a visit can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.

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