
What is Chemistry?

Chemistry is the study of matter at the level of atoms, molecules, ions and compounds.
These substances are the building blocks of life and all of the materials that surround us.
Chemists play a vital role in the production of everyday commodities. Chemistry research
and development is essential for the introduction of new products. The study of chemistry is
of benefit not only to those intending to pursue a career in Science, but also to those
intending to work in areas such as the food, health, textile or manufacturing industries.
An experimental and investigative approach is used to develop knowledge and
understanding of chemical concepts

Chemistry Courses in St Andrew’s High School

Broad General Education leading to National 3,4 or 5

Chemical Changes and Structure: Rates of Reaction; Atomic Theory; Bonding, Structure and Properties; Chemical Formulae; Acids and Bases.

Nature’s Chemistry: Homologous Series; Everyday Consumer Products; Energy from Fuels.

Chemistry in Society: Metals; Properties of Plastics; Fertilisers; Nuclear Chemistry; Chemical Analysis.

National 5 Chemistry Past Papers and Marking Instructions

Higher Chemistry

The course is suitable for candidates who are secure in their attainment of National 5

Chemical Changes and Structure: Controlling the Rate of Reaction; The Periodic Table: Bonding and Structure; Trends in the Periodic Table; Bonding in Compounds.

Nature’s Chemistry: Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids and Esters; Fats, Oils and Soaps; Proteins; The Chemistry of Cooking and Oxidation of Food; Fragrances; Skin Care.

Chemistry in Society: Getting the Most from Reactants: Designing an Industrial Process; Calculations from Equations; Percentage Yield and Atom Economy; Equilibria; Chemical Energy; Oxidising and Reducing Agents; Chromatography; Volumetric Analysis.

Higher Chemistry Past Papers and Marking Instructions

Advanced Higher Chemistry

This course is suitable for students who are secure in their attainment of Higher Chemistry. It is designed for candidates who can respond to a level of challenge, especially those considering further study or a career in chemistry and related disciplines.

The Advanced Higher Chemistry course develops learners’ knowledge and understanding of the physical and natural environments beyond Higher level. The course builds on Higher Chemistry and continues to develop the underlying theories of chemistry, and the practical skills used in the chemistry laboratory.

Subjects studied include Inorganic and Physical Chemistry; Organic and Instrumental Chemistry and Researching Chemistry. 

Advanced Higher Chemistry Past papers and marking instructions