S1 French
In S1, pupils study French throughout the year for three periods a week. Pupils cover a range of topics, including: greetings, numbers, pets, family, description, school and hobbies. The focus throughout each topic is for pupils to improve their listening, reading, talking and writing skills.
S2 French
In S2, pupils study French 2 periods a week, building upon prior knowledge gained in S1. As well as revising the basics learnt previously, pupils gain a better understanding of French grammar and aim to improve their literacy through further reading and writing, whilst also improving their listening and talking skills. Topics covered include: technology, TV and cinema, France during World War II, Paris (touristic and transactional language), town and home.
S2 Spanish
In S2, pupils follow an introductory course in Spanish for one period each week, starting to build a basic knowledge of Spanish at second level. The course is built in such a way to allow for natural progression of language. This is a fast-paced course, so at home revision is key to further your progress in the language. Topics covered include: greetings, numbers, pets, classroom objects, family and grammar.
S3 ModernĀ Languages
Towards the end of S2, pupils are given the choice as to whether or not they continue their study of Modern Languages. Pupils can choose to study either French, Spanish, both or neither.
Pupils who continue with Modern Languages start working on aspects of the National 4/5 course. Topics covered are split into 4 contexts: Culture, Employability, Learning and Society.
Modern Languages in the Senior Phase
In the Senior Phase, Modern Languages, lessons are delivered with focus on the four key skill areas: Listening, Talking, Reading and Writing. We cover use of the language in personal and social situations, in everyday life and the world of work. French and Spanish allow learners to appreciate the society and culture of another country, while developing qualities necessary to live and work in a European environment.
The National 4/5 courses in French and Spanish begin in S3 is for those pupils who have chosen to continue their study of a language, with a view to obtaining National 4 or 5 in S4. Progression from National 5 can lead to Higher in S5 and Advanced Higher in S6. In both courses pupils will study a variety of topics and will further develop existing skills in Listening, Talking, Reading and Writing.
National 4 Assessment
At National 4, all four skills are assessed through the completion of Listening, Reading, Talking and Writing assessments. Pupils also complete an Added Value Unit (AVU) which further assesses the skills of Reading and Talking. Pupils who can successfully pass all of these units are awarded a National 4. This can lead to progression to National 5.
National 5 Assessment
At National 5, the skills of Listening, Reading and Writing are assessed in the final exam, which take place during the official SQA exam diet. Pupils are also expected to participate in a Talking Assessment, which is composed of a short presentation on one topic (roughly 1 min 30 to 2 mins) and a conversation (roughly 6 mins). Pupils must also complete a Writing Assignment which is completed in class. Obtaining a C or better at National 5 allows for progression to Higher.
Higher Assessment
Like at National 5, Higher Modern Languages tests the skills of Listening, Reading and Writing are assessed in the final exam, which take place during the official SQA exam diet. There is also particular focus on the skill of Translation as a part of the reading exam. Pupils are also expected to participate in a Talking Assessment, which is composed of an 8-10 minute conversation on topics of the candidate’s choosing. Pupils must also complete a Writing Assignment which is completed in class. Throughout the Higher course, there is greater focus on the inner-workings of the language being studies, through translation, writing and grammar. Obtaining a B or better at Higher allows for progression to Advanced Higher.