St Andrew's High School

Domine Dirige Nos

November 10, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 2nd – 6th Nov

  • S4 Photographs
    • S4 school photographs will be taken on Tuesday the 10th November. S4 students will be required to wear full school uniform on that day even if they are timetabled for PE. There will also be an opportunity for S1&S6 students who missed their original date to have theirs taken.
  • Rights Respecting Schools Newsletter
    • The first issue of our Rights Respecting Schools Newsletter can be accessed by click this link – RRS Newsletter Issue 1
  • Social Subjects – Achievement Avenue
    • Congratulations to our Achievement Avenue winners in Social Subjects, particular well done to the overall Achievement Avenue winners for each year group
       S1 – Millie Lyons, S2 – Alana Meechan, S3 – Leo Kirkland
      • S1 – Sam Owens, Robbie Corrigan, Matthew Tomei, Jamie Beatie, Cody Whelan, Kye Boyle, Orla Foley, Aiden Robertson, Millie Lyons, John McCann
      • S2 – Leyland Grey, Joseph McFaulds, Niamh Proven, Alana Meechan, Grace Tighe, Anndra Campbell, Sarah McCauley, Rebecca Renwick
      • S3 – Caitlin Courtney, Leo Kirkland, Abbie Madden
  • English – Poetry
    • Well done to Sara Thomas from 1A who was our poetry competition winner.  
  •  Personal Development
    • Our Personal Development classes in S3, S4, and S6 had an amazing day out walking through nature trails in our local area this week,
  • Foodbank Collection
    • We are collecting for the Foodbank again in RE next week.  Please support the Foodbank items collection by bringing in tinned soup/veg/meat/fish etc, packets of noodles & other non perishable food items.

November 1, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Face Coverings Update

Following the announcement from the Scottish Government the following update is required from Monday the 2nd of November.

In addition to wearing a face covering in the corridors & social areas all students in S4-S6 and staff will now be required to wear a face covering in classrooms.  We know that it may be difficult to wear a face covering for prolonged periods of time but we all need to do our bit to try and reduce transmission of this virus.

Students in S1-S3 are expected to wear face covering in corridors & social areas.

Exemptions apply for those with medical conditions

November 1, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 26th – 30th Oct

  • S3 Progress & Achievement Reports
    • S3 Pupils were issued with their Progress & Achievement reports this week.  Any student who was absent should collect the report from the school office.  Parents & Carers with further enquires about reports should contact Ms Donnelly, S3 Principal Teacher of Pupil Support.
  • S1 Medical Information
    • All medical information for S1 students should now have been returned to the email address provided on the sheet.  A reminder that parents & carers should update the school on any changes to their child’s health.
  • Confirmations
    • The first of our Confirmations for S1 students took place this week for students who attended St Monica’s Primary.  Students were due to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation last year whilst in P7, however these were postponed due to Covid-19.  Thanks to Mr Cassidy & the RE Department for all the work they have done in preparing the student for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this year.
  • Young STEM Leaders
    • Our Young STEM Leaders this week were issued with their new YSL badges.
  • Pupil Voice
    • The Pupil Voice Notice Boards have all been updated following the S2 surveys.  Excellent work from our Pupil Voice members.
  • Virtual Employability Lessons
    • S4 students this week took part in virtual employability lessons in PSHE.  Students learned about valuable employability skills, digital interview prep and discussed areas of conflict & resolution.  Thanks to Jacqueline from New College Lanarkshire for organising the virtual lessons.
  • Student Teachers
    • We welcome a number of Student Teachers to the school this week.  We hope they all enjoy their time in class & in school on their placements until Christmas.

November 1, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 19th – 23rd Oct

  • Staffing Update
    • Congratulations to Mr McMeekin who secured the permanent position of Principal Teacher of Art & Design Technology this week.
  • Year Group Areas
    • The updated areas for each year group to use at interval & lunch time are as follows
      • S1 & S2 – Main Social Area
      • S3 – Assembly Hall
      • S4 & S5 – Games Hall
      • S6 – Gym
  • Stay Connected Project
    • Students have been giving up their time to assist with making food packs for the Coatbridge Stay Connected Project.  These weekly food packs are a lifeline to local families & we are delighted that we have an amazing group of students helping those in need in the local community.
  • S5 Christmas Leavers
    • Any student in S5 who is considering leaving school at Christmas should see Ms Morrison (DHT)

October 25, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Senior Awards 2019/20

Unfortunately we are unable to host our usual Senior Awards Ceremony to recognise the achievements of pupils following their SQA results in 2019/20. Congratulations to all our award winners from S4-S6 at National 5, Higher & Advanced Higher level.  The virtual awards video can be viewed at the link below.

In our Special Awards category we had 3 winners of the Proxime Accessit award. This is awarded to the 2nd highest performing pupil(s) in the school. Congratulations to our 3 winners of the Proxime Accessit Award – Aiva Martin, Abba Saviar & Saoirse McDavitt.

The Dux Medal is awarded to the highest performing student and we are delighted to announce that our Dux Medallist for 2019/20 is Erin Wilson. Congratulations Erin, a thoroughly deserved award after all your hard work and commitment to your studies in S5.

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Senior Awards 2019/20 – Video

September 22, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

S1 & S6 Photographs

S1 & S6 students will have their school photographs taken on Thursday the 1st of October.  Students must attend school in full school uniform (including blazer) on this day even if they have PE.

The timetable for each class is as follows

  • 09:00 – 1A
  • 09:20 – 1B
  • 09:40 – 1C
  • 10:00 – 1D
  • 10:15 – 1E
  • 10:50 – 1F
  • 11:10 – 1G
  • 11:30 – 1H
  • 11:50 – 1J
  • 12:10 – 1K
  • 13:15 – 6A
  • 13:30 – 6B
  • 13:45 – 6C
  • 14:00 – 6D
  • 14:15 – 6E
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