All posts by H Paterson

February Break and In-Service Day

I can’t believe how quickly the term is going even though school and nursery are far from normal. We are hoping, based on the First Ministers announcement on Tuesday 2/2/21, that we will be seeing some of our children back in school very soon. We just have to hope that the number of cases keep falling. We cannot thank you, our fabulous parents and carers, enough for all your hard work and support at home. We know how incredibly difficult the past few weeks have been for you at home and for us in school.

We can’t wait to have everyone back together in the school and nursery.

Just a reminder that school and nursery will be closed on Monday 8th February until Thursday 11th February due to the February break and in-service day for staff. On these days children will not attend school and no work will be set on Teams. It is very important that the children, our families and staff have a break from online learning- turn off the screens and enjoy some family time outdoors! Everyone has worked so hard and I could not be prouder of our Shawhead Team.

We will see you back online on Thursday 11th February for our 9.30am live meeting or for those children attending school, we will see them back in school from 8.30am for breakfast club.
I will update you as soon as further details are available regarding the reopening of the school for our nursery children and P1-3 children.

Please remember we are at the end of the phone or an email if you need help with anything at all- please contact us if you need help or just want a chat! Enjoy a break over the February long weekend.

Thanks again
Mrs Paterson

Our Nursery Nativity

Well everyone- it is finally here- after weeks of rehearsals we are so proud to present our very first Shawhead Primary Nursery Nativity.

This year has been very different in lots of ways but we couldn’t let Christmas go by without our children performing on stage. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

We hope you love it as much as we do and it brings you some festive cheer.
Thank you

Nursery Admissions- 3-5 years olds


Welcome to Shawhead Nursery Class

Click to access ELC-Posters-NEW-1.pdf

Click the link below to find out how to apply for a nursery place.


We offer placements for 3-5 year olds during term time hours- 9am-3pm

Follow us on Twitter @ShawheadPS

Please contact the school office 01236 794838 or for further details

Christmas Party Fun Day- Friday 18th December 2020

Current Covid-19 guidelines mean that the traditional Christmas parties cannot take place this year. However, we are keen to give the children an extra special party this year by having a Christmas Party Fun Day in the class/ nursery bubbles.

All school and nursery children will enjoy their Christmas Party Fun Day on Friday 18th December 2020.

 The Christmas Party Fun Day will include:

  • Christmas art and crafts
  • Enjoying a Christmas Film
  • Some Christmas games and activities in class with prizes
  • Party snacks
  • A special visit from the man in red for the Nursery children and Base 1 children.

The children can wear casual clothes for the Christmas Party Fun Day and may wear Christmas outfits or Festive Sparkle.  Children will still be going out to play at break and lunch times so party clothes may not be warm enough or may get dirty or wet.  Children should come dressed to school and nursery for the Christmas Party Fun Day.

Although this will not be our usual Christmas Party format, we hope that the children will have a fabulous festive day and we will be able to spread some Christmas Cheer across the school and nursery.

Primary 1 Enrolment August 2021

Please read the following information about how to enrol your child to start Primary 1 in August 2021

Children who will be 5 years old between 1st March 2021 and 28th February 2022 should register for starting Primary 1 in August 2021.

Enrolment applications should be submitted online by 22nd January 2021

Click here to find out more and to access the online application forms:

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