More to read

These books are available through your secondary school librarian. If we’ve found an online version, we’ve added the link after each book.

Fiction (stories)

The house with chicken legs by Sophie Anderson is about a house that moves by itself

The scarecrow by Danny Weston is a scary scarecrow story. 

The red shoes and other tales by Metaphrog is a graphic novel version of Hans Christian Andersen’s original story all about a pair of creepy red dancing shoes.

Toto by Michael Morpurgo. The Wizard of Oz as told by Toto the dog. 

Non-fiction (information)

Stormy weather by Anita Ganeri is a collection of funny facts and stories about all sorts of weather, not just tornadoes.

A beginner’s guide to the periodic table by Gill Arbuthnott is an easy guide to lots of chemical elements.

Blame my brain by Nicola Morgan is a humorous look at how the teenage brain works. 


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