Read to Succeed

Read to Succeed is a transition programme to encourage primary seven pupils, as they move into their first year in North Lanarkshire schools, to engage with reading for the fun of it. Reading for pleasure is one of the most important things we can encourage our children to do. The benefits of reading just for enjoyment are well documented, from the escapism of a good story that supports mental health and relaxation to the enhancement of all literacy and numeracy skills.

The Read to Succeed initiative is designed and led by NLC School Librarians and supported by funding from the Scottish Attainment Fund. Starting in 2018 it has become a successful and engaging programme. To date there  have been two author tours where every S1 pupil in NLC has had the opportunity to attend a live author event. Live author events are known to raise interest in reading in young people and there is certainly evidence to support this as pupils engage with the reading programmes in their school libraries.

Our first year saw all school libraries in North Lanarkshire receiving an input of new books, chosen by the librarians to meet pupils’ interests and needs and in 2019-20 the Read to Succeed initiative provided every S1 pupil in the council with a free book of their own choice, along with the author visits to their school.

Each year there has also been a tour finale, to which ten lucky pupils from each school in the council were invited. The pupils heard inspiring author keynote speeches, and all received a signed copy of the authors’ books.

Sadly this year the tour cannot run, however that does not mean Read to Succeed has stopped. Reading programmes and reading at home for enjoyment is and always will be a major part of the curriculum and as we move into our new blended learning routines, reading for pleasure should remain inherent to our learning.

The School Librarians’ Guide to Oz is an excellent reading activity that will hopefully engage our pupils over the coming weeks as they settle into their new learning and will remain available thereafter for book groups and individuals.

If you have any further questions about this project, please contact a member of the Read to Succeed Committee:  

  • Catriona Wright, School Librarian, St Ambrose HS, Coatbridge (Chair)  
  • Lee-Anne Connor, School Librarian, Chryston High 
  • Donna Luc, School Librarian, Greenfaulds High, Cumbernauld 
  • Irene Lumsden, School Librarian, Calderhead High, Shotts 
  • Lesley Ann MacDonald, School Librarian, Caldervale High, Airdrie  
  • Jennifer Macfadyen, School Librarian, Our Lady’s HS, Motherwell  
  • Sharon McMichael, School Librarian, St Maurice’s HS, Westfield 
  • Rhona Skea, School Librarian, Cardinal Newman HS, Bellshill  
  • Lindsey Smith, School Librarian, Kilsyth Academy 
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