I believe the best way to get across the desert will be through the air
We are surrounded by air, but how much do you know about it? Explore these websites and videos to find out more about air.
10 interesting things about air.
The atmosphere protects all the living things on planet Earth from space, but did you realise there is 160km of it above our heads?
One of the most beautiful sights in the atmosphere is an aurora.
Challenge yourself!
Find a dandelion full of seeds. Dandelions are often called weeds, but they’re really wild flowers. They have evolved so that their seeds are spread by the wind, or by a young person blowing them all away. Give it a go!
Did you know some people call this a dandelion clock? – the number of times you have to blow before all the seeds have gone is supposed to tell you the time. Did your dandelion clock tell the time accurately? Don’t worry if not, you’re still helping the plant.
You can also look at the Help with Challenges page to come up with your own air challenge.