More to explore about the Sun

The Sun is shining as the four friends walk back to Oz.

Explore these websites and videos to find out more about our Sun.

First of all, what do we know about the Sun? Well, it’s a star, and it’s unbelievably hot. But there is a lot still to know about the Sun, so NASA have launched the Parker Solar Probe to explore more.

During a solar eclipse, the moon passes in front of the sun and its shadow falls on the Earth.

Of course, ancient people had to come up with their own explanations for solar eclipses.

Challenge yourself!

The Moon casts a shadow on the Earth during an eclipse. Your challenge is to try making your own shadow pictures with anything you have around you. You can try making them outside if it’s a sunny day, or inside with a light.

You can also look at the Help with Challenges page to come up with your own sun challenge.

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