What our parents and carers say about us…

“Richard Stewart FLC brought my child out his shell and helped him smash every outcome he achieved, his key worker always was really determined to reach every target that was put in place for him and of course did so, my child had the most amazing time at the nursery and felt safe and cared for by all the staff involved.” 


“Richard Stewart nursery has been amazing for my wee boy Noah and they have helped him grow massively. I’m so thankful to all the staff for how supportive and caring they have been.”


“Richard Stewart nursery has been like a second family to me and my child. They supported us through some hard times. My child has achieved alot of things by being at Richard Stewart, her ‘castle’ nursery which she loves.”


What other partners say about us…..

Staff in all three nursery rooms prioritise attunement – they stay curious, and seek to understand the emotions and needs underlying a child’s behaviour. There’s a welcoming and friendly atmosphere at all times.

Children and parents/carers are always spoken about – and spoken with – in ways that convey the utmost level of respect, regard and care.

The displays and resources implicitly and explicitly convey the message to parents/carers and children that they are important and valued.

Members of the Senior Leadership Team are deeply committed to developing their knowledge and understanding of research and then applying it within everyday practice.

Christina, Educational Psychologist (September 2023)