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Spreadsheet Crossword
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
5. This feature of a spreadsheet allows an entry (usually a formula) to be copied from one cell and pasted to another. 7. A spreadsheet can hold 3 types of data. 'Name', 'Jim' and 'Total' are exaples of cells containg ____. 8. The * symbol is used to ________ when using a formula. 11. Each box in a cell in a spreasheet is called a ____. 12. A ________ is used to perform a calculation on more than 2 cells. 14. A _______ is used for performing basic calculations and always starts with an = sign. 15. C6 is an example of a cell _________. 16. ________ replication is when a $ is used so that the formula stays the same. 19. A spreadsheet is made up of ______ letters going down the way. 20. The / symbol is used in a formula to ______.
1. Cell __________ can be used to stop the contents of a cell getting changed by accident. 2. =___(A1:A10) would find the lowest number in the list of cells. 3. =___(A1:A10) would find the highest number in the list of cells. 4. Changing a cell to currency or changing the column width are examples of cell __________. 6. _______ data linkage is when data on a chart automatically changes when the data in the spreadsheet is changed. 9. This function is used to add up a list of numbers. 10. To make data more understandable, data could be represented in a _____. 13. A spreadsheet is made up of _____ numbers going across the way. 15. ________ replication is when the formula automatically changes when it is copied to other cells. 17. ______ data linkage is when data in a chart does not automatically change when the data in the spreadsheet changes. 18. A spreadsheet can hold 3 data types. 43 is an example of a _____.
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