Surname, Telephone No., and Eye colour are all examples of:
- Records
- Fields
- Files
A record is made up of many:
- Fields
- Files
- Databases
A file is made up of many:
- Records
- Fields
- Databases
What contains all the information about 1 item on a database?
- A database
- A record
- A file
- A field
Number, text, date and time are all examples of:
- File Types
- Record Types
- Field Types
What is not a correct field type?
- Telephone Number
- Number
- Date
- Time
A simple search on the database searches on how many fields?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
A search on 2 or more fields is called a:
- Simple search
- Complex search
- Complicated search
Arranging records in alphabetical or numerical order is called:
- Searching
- Sorting
- Querying
Another name for searching is called:
- Querying
- Sorting
- Formatting
When we format a database we:
- Add records
- Delete records
- Change how the database looks
- Sort it in alphabetical order